What kind of tribe is the Risk.Inc team?

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6 minutes
Dec 26, 2023

Unity factor

People shape and move any company. What brings professionals from around the world together under one roof? Shared principles and values. 

We often say it’s hard to go with the flow, but it’s easy to grow with us. Let's take you on a tour of what binds the Risk.Inc crew in the thrilling world of iGaming.

Mastering adaptability and dancing with risks

In the fast-paced and high-stakes realm of betting and gambling, our crew is a force to be reckoned with. Adaptability is our mantra, and it goes beyond just surviving—it's about thriving.

To successfully operate in such an environment, you need to excel in taking smart risks. We nurture wild creativity and daring initiatives, ensuring we dance with the ever-changing world and do it profitably

Embracing risks comes hand in hand with pushing boundaries. Dive in if you feel at home exploring new countries, markets, oddball brand partnerships, and tech innovations.

Fueling initiatives

We’re bold souls who tirelessly generate fresh ideas and bring them into reality. Trailblazers at heart, we don't wait for change; we lead it. 

We appreciate the hunger for innovation and a proactive approach to increasing productivity and profit. Our team swiftly introduces team propositions without stumbling over endless documentation.

The team’s feedback is a crucial initiative incorporation channel. We’re sharpened for agile implementation of employee requests and funding their initiatives. Our 360 feedback review model ensures we actively listen and embody your wants, fostering continuous development.

Power of ownership

Flexibility and brilliant ideas are just the beginning. We take ownership, shaping destiny with our hands and turning projects into results. 

Beyond gathering committed experts, we take responsibility for instilling a proactive approach and educating our managers.

Our investment in your expertise and leadership development allows you to use your L&D budget. Every team member can enjoy growing within a close-knit community as a professional and a leader.

Transparency in the spotlight

We value honesty and keep our team informed. Every quarter, we conduct ‘CEO talks’ where the CEO shares results and plans. We also established ‘All Hands’ meetings where department leaders report on the current state of their projects.

But transparency goes beyond scheduled events—you can reach out directly, anytime, to anyone, including the CEO, to address your request.

We also provide a development map for each worker, clarifying career paths, goals, and rewards. To achieve this, we‘ve developed a matrix visualising skills and levels of people’s development, each explained in simple words and examples. 

And you know what? 

This approach scored numerous promotions this year, turning team members into leading managers. Our values guide us not only in snagging industry talents but also in onboarding exceptional ambassadors and sparking bold collaborations.

Ready to join the rhythm? Let’s shake up the iGaming scene with our Riskers team!

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