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Privacy Notice
1. Data Controler
Estartie Management LTD, a company incorporated under the laws of the Republic of Cyprus, with registration number HE 449676, and its registered address at Panagias Chrysopyrgotissas, 2, PANICOS KANARIS FOUR SEASONS, Flat/Office 4, Pyrgos, 4529, Limassol, Cyprus.
2. Collection purpose
(1) Where you submit your personal data in order to apply for the open vacancy published on our website, we shall process in accordance with article 6(1)(b) GDPR, pursuing further evaluation of your conformity with seizing the position you’ve applied for and to conduct necessary arrangements before or after execution of the agreement with you.
(2) If, for any reason, we are unable to enter into the agreement with you, the personal data shall be processed pursuant to article 6(1)(f) GDPR, namely for the reasons described in “Data Retention” clause forth.
3. Legal basis for processing
Article 6(1)(b) and Article 6(1)(f) as referred to in above.
4. Data to be processed
Following categories of your personal data shall be processed within the purposes set out above:
- Your name, contact information (address, phone number, email address, social profile, messenger ID, Telegram), date of birth, nationality, gender, location, citizenship status, residency and work permit status, and passport data.
- Your educational and professional background, including your resume, certificates, cover letter, references, and other application materials you provide.
- Your employment history, including your job title, employer name, and dates of employment.
- Information about your skills, experience, and qualifications relevant to the job you are applying for.
5. Recipients
The aforementioned personal data shall be shared with:Our employees and contractors within the boundaries of purposes listed in the “Purpose” clause. It is our duty to ensure that the employees and contractors accessing the personal data regarded shall: a) keep your personal data confidential and inaccessible by any other person not explicitly authorised to do it; b) adhere to rules and conditions set out in this Privacy Notice and internal policies construed in accordance with the provisions of GDPR and applicable law.
6. Term of storage
(1) We shall store and process your personal data pursuant to article 6(1)(b) GDPR in the course of a purpose referred to in clause 2(1) above:
(a) If we are unable to offer you an agreement - within three (3) months following your first submission of the data via this website, but not later than communicating the refusal to you.
(b) If we enter into an agreement with you - until termination or expiry of this Agreement.
(2) We shall store and process your personal data pursuant to article 6(1)(f) GDPR in the course of a purpose referred to in clause 2(2) above: for the maximum of three (3) years following communicating the refusal to you, or termination/expiry of the agreement with you.
7. Data Retention
(1) Pursuant to clause 2(2) above, we shall retain your personal data enlisted in clause 4, for the following reasons: (a) Considering yourself for the other role which might be open in our company within the term of storage, unless you give us the instruction to withhold from processing them for the purpose hereby; and (b) Ability to defend legal claims which might be brought by you in association with the rejection to make an agreement, OR any claims which involve a possible breach of the agreement concluded AND to ensure our right to bring a claim against your misconduct, accusations, or breach of the agreement.
(2) Without any prejudice to your rights as data subject under the applicable laws, we shall be unable to delete your personal data completely in the view of clause 7(1)(b) above.
(3) If we receive your instructions on deleting the personal data contemplating that you are not willing to be reached out for the reasons explained in clause 7(1)(a), access to your personal data shall be limited to employees and contractors which might reasonably need it to defend or bring legal claims.
8. Place of Storage
(1) Your personal data shall be stored at the place specified as the registered place of business for the Controller referred to in clause 1.
(2) Pursuant to keeping your personal data integrated and safe we may use the external services related to storage of data within the EU, ensuring that the access to personal data shall be restricted by technical and policy measures laid down by the following reasons.
9. Data subject rights
Subject to the limitation set in clause 7(3) above, you have the right to request:
– Rectification or erasure of your personal data;
– Lodge the complaint before the supervisory authority;
– Right to object personal data processing.
10. Supervisory authority
Office of the Commissioner for Personal Data Protection Office address: Kyprianoros 15,
Nicosia 1061, Cyprus.
Postal address P.O.Box 23378, 1682 Nicosia, Cyprus
Tel: +357 22818456 Fax: +357 22304565
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